Be transparent and honest Provide Whatsapp Number List and figures to support your opinion or even facts Be transparent about your interest in a financial product or possible financial advantage that you get if someone invests in that same product Also be transparent about any other commercial relationship you may have with a financial institution or for a particular financial product Distinguish clearly between facts, opinions and interpretations and personal experiences As we Whatsapp Number List already noticed, little is enforced by the Dutch Data Protection Authority.
The big boys are particularly affected and Whatsapp Number List are held accountable for data leaks. But an average entrepreneur has actually not yet been bothered by the Dutch Data Protection Authority. Do we then end up in a loop of new Privacy Whatsapp Number List Shield-like agreements, which makes transfer temporarily possible, the lawsuits that prohibit it again, the AP that in the meantime has no capacity to enforce and then a new successor to Privacy Shield ? This may not be legal at all Whatsapp Number List , but the risk of enforcement is in any case very small.
Go green You should not only make Whatsapp Number List claims, you should above all fulfill them. Green is something you should do, not just say you're doing it or going to do it. The more absolute the claim, the better and more solid you have to substantiate it. If your claim is more nuanced, less evidence is needed. Making clear comparisons and adding nuance to your claim Whatsapp Number List help with this. It is therefore okay to promote the positive environmental aspects of your service or product, as long as you are careful in your assertion.